Saturday, July 27, 2024
B12 Deficiency Risk

Vegans ‘Need To Be Aware Of B12 Deficiency Risk’

0 soon Experts are warning that people eating a vegan diet need to make sure they get enough B12 – because the risk of deficiency...
Hookah Smoking

What Are The Health Risks Associated With Hookah Smoking?

In recent decades, smoking tobacco through a water pipe, or hookah, has gained popularity worldwide, including in the U.S. – especially among young adults....
Matcha Tea

Matcha Tea Is Suddenly Everywhere. Here’s Why.

Used for centuries as part of Japanese tea ceremonies, matcha tea is having a moment thanks to its vibrant, Instagrammable color and its...
Fried chicken

7 Healthy Keto-Approved Recipes You Can Make With Your Air Fryer

It doesn't matter if you fancy yourself a healthy eater or not—sometimes you just need to chow down on something fried! Fried chicken, fried...
Dark Chocolate

Why Scarlett Johansson’s Trainer Says Dark Chocolate Is The Perfect Pre-Workout Snack

One of the worst things you can feel before a workout is hungry. You're stuck with an impossible choice: whether to suck...

Why Avocado Is Perfect For Weight Loss, Obesity

You may want to add fresh avocados to your meals more often. A new study shows that the fruit provides the properties that could...

Do You Really Need To Drink 8 Glasses Of Water Every Day?

There’s a lot of disagreement within the nutrition sphere, but there is one health claim that seems to withstand the test of time—the...
Mushy Bananas

Put Those Mushy Bananas On Your Counter To Good Use With This Healthy Banana...

Here's my one problem with bananas: Even though I love the idea of grabbing a banana as a snack, it's nearly impossible for...

Eating Nuts Tied To Lower Heart Disease Risk For Diabetics

People with diabetes who regularly eat nuts may be less likely to develop heart disease than their counterparts who rarely, if ever, consume nuts,...
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