Saturday, July 27, 2024

Aspartame Safety: WHO Cancer Agency Conflicting View

0 soon The World Health Organization (WHO) and its cancer agency, the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC), have recently presented differing viewpoints regarding...

PRIME Energy Drink Faces FDA Scrutiny Over Caffeine Levels

0 soon PRIME, an energy drink endorsed by popular YouTube personalities Logan Paul and KSI, is under fire as lawmakers and health experts express concerns...

CDC Report: Sick Food Workers Fuel 40% of Restaurant Outbreaks

0 soon Federal health officials have uncovered alarming statistics regarding food workers who continue to work while sick or contagious. According to their findings, these...

WHO Recommends COVID-19 Boosters to Target XBB Variants

0 soon The World Health Organization (WHO) advisory group has put forth a recommendation to update this year’s COVID-19 booster shots, targeting the currently dominant...

President Biden Nominates Dr. Monica Bertagnolli as NIH Director

0 soon President Joe Biden has officially nominated Dr. Monica Bertagnolli, a renowned cancer specialist and researcher, to assume the position of Director at the...

Mpox Outbreak No Longer an International Emergency, Says WHO

0 soon The World Health Organization (WHO) has announced that the global outbreak of mpox, also known as monkeypox, is no longer classified as an...

U.N. Urges Action on TB Surge: COVID-19 and Conflicts Amplify Crisis

0 soon U.N. officials, health industry leaders, and activists are calling for increased investment in the development of new vaccines and the tackling of a...

13 Million African Children Miss Vaccinations Due to COVID-19

0 soon According to a new report from UNICEF, nearly 13 million children in Africa missed one or more vaccinations between 2019 and 2021 due...

First Human Death from H3N8 Bird Flu Confirmed by WHO

0 soon A 56-year-old woman from Guangdong province in southeast China has died from H3N8 bird flu, marking the first known human fatality from the...

WHO Revises COVID-19 Vaccination Recommendations

0 soon The World Health Organization (WHO) has revised its recommendations for COVID-19 vaccination, advising that only high-risk groups should receive additional vaccinations 12 months...
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