Saturday, July 27, 2024
Patients of Epilepsy

Study Shows Fasting May Benefit Patients with Epilepsy

0 soonPatients of Epilepsy Children with persistent and drug-resistant seizures treated with the high-fat, low-carbohydrate ketogenic diet may get an added benefit from periodic fasting,...
Essure side effects

Gynecologists have stopped implanting Essure

A woman named Leslie, who had to go through hysterectomy, warns women about the contraceptive device, Essure and its side effects that include menopause....
Ebola survivor had eye problems

Another American Ebola Survivor Had Eye Problems

Ebola survivor Dr. Ian Crozier wasn't the only American to experience eye problems following the disease — a new report describes eye problems in...

WeightWatchers Acquires Telehealth for Anti-Obesity Drugs

0 soon WeightWatchers, a long-standing company in the diet industry, has recently made a major move by acquiring telehealth firm Sequence for a whopping $132...
Mckesson ExpressRx Track pharmacy automation solution

McKesson HVS Introduces All New ExpressRx Track Pharmacy Automation Solution

0 soonMckesson ExpressRx Track pharmacy automation solution McKesson High Volume Solutions (HVS) unveiled an all new ExpressRx Track pharmacy automation solution featuring state-of-the-art robotics, upgraded...
Giants GM Dave Gettleman

Giants GM Dave Gettleman Diagnosed With Lymphoma

New York Giants General Manager Dave Gettleman announced on Tuesday that he has been diagnosed with lymphoma after undergoing an annual physical. Gettleman said...
Affiniti ultrasound system

Philips Debuts New Affiniti Ultrasound System at the ESC Congress 2014

0 soonRoyal Philips today announced the launch of Affiniti, a new ultrasound system designed to enable global hospitals and health systems to overcome the...
Sierra Leone Ebola village

Sierra Leone Ebola Village Quarantine Lifted

A village in Sierra Leone has become one of the last areas in the country to be released from an Ebola quarantine. President Ernest Bai...
showers flower petals

Medics around the world face hostility over virus stigma

0 soon Dr. Dina Abdel-Salam watched in terror last month as scores of strangers gathered under the balcony of her aunt’s empty apartment in the...
Mosquito Bites

How To Get Rid Of Mosquito Bites, According To An Expert

While you’ll probably remember to pack the bug spray for a trip to the woods, you might not remember it each time you...
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