Saturday, July 27, 2024
Home Authors Posts by Howe Joseph

Howe Joseph

Howe Joseph is a freelance medical writer. He graduated from the University of Illinois at Chicago. Howe Joseph spent the past 10+ years writing about medications, diseases, family health, fitness, nutrition and sexual health

Wisdom from Seasoned Redditors on Embracing Aging

0 soon A group of individuals in their 60s has turned to Reddit to share their pearls of wisdom on aging with grace and vitality....

Peptides for Health: Benefits, Usage, and Guidelines

0 soon Peptides have garnered significant attention in the quest for improved health and well-being, showcasing their potential as valuable compounds with a range of...
Coconut Oil Health Risks

Study Warns of Coconut Oil Health Risks

0 soon A recently published study in the Journal of Functional Foods has raised concerns regarding the long-term consumption of extra-virgin coconut oil and its...

Mapping Neural Activity: Elegans Study

0 soon In a groundbreaking leap forward, researchers at The Picower Institute for Learning and Memory at MIT have achieved a remarkable feat—mapping the neural...

Revolutionary Stem Cell Treatment for Eye Injuries

0 soon A groundbreaking experimental procedure employing stem cell transplants to treat severe eye injuries has unveiled promising results in an early-stage study conducted in...

PRIME Energy Drink Faces FDA Scrutiny Over Caffeine Levels

0 soon PRIME, an energy drink endorsed by popular YouTube personalities Logan Paul and KSI, is under fire as lawmakers and health experts express concerns...

Sanofi Dupixent Shows Promise in COPD Trial

0 soon Sanofi, the French pharmaceutical company, has announced encouraging outcomes from a trial evaluating its anti-inflammatory medication Dupixent in the treatment of chronic obstructive...

RSV Vaccine Receives Backing: Newborn Protection

0 soon Federal health advisers have expressed their support for a groundbreaking vaccine designed to protect newborns from respiratory syncytial virus (RSV). RSV is known...

Surgeon General Declares Loneliness an Epidemic in America

0 soon Loneliness has become an epidemic in America, according to U.S. Surgeon General Vivek Murthy. He compares its deadly toll to that of smoking....

FDA Approves OTC Sale of Naloxone for Opioid Treatment

0 soon The United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has approved the sale of the leading version of naloxone without a prescription. The move...
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