Saturday, July 27, 2024
Home Authors Posts by Howe Joseph

Howe Joseph

Howe Joseph is a freelance medical writer. He graduated from the University of Illinois at Chicago. Howe Joseph spent the past 10+ years writing about medications, diseases, family health, fitness, nutrition and sexual health
White Hair

Scientists Discover ‘Why Stress Turns Hair White’

0 soon Scientists say they may have discovered why stress makes hair turn white, and a potential way of stopping it happening without reaching for...
China Coronavirus

China Coronavirus: Number Of Cases Jumps As Virus Spreads To New Cities

0 soon Chinese authorities have reported 139 new cases of a mysterious virus in two days, marking the first time that the infection has been...
B12 Deficiency Risk

Vegans ‘Need To Be Aware Of B12 Deficiency Risk’

0 soon Experts are warning that people eating a vegan diet need to make sure they get enough B12 – because the risk of deficiency...
Dad Breath

Reasons Behind Bad Breath And How To Get Rid Of It

0 soon Bad breath might mean you have a bad respiratory infection, either in your sinus or in your throat. You’ll know if you have...
Lassa fever

Lassa Fever ‘At Risk’ Britons Sent Home From Sierra Leone

0 soon Three British nationals have been brought back to the UK from Sierra Leone for medical assessment after coming into close contact with two...
Ebola Vaccine

Ebola Vaccine Approved As Second Jab Trialled

0 soon A second Ebola vaccine is to be offered to around 50,000 people in the Democratic Republic of Congo, as part of a major...
Ebola Kill Dr Congo Journalist

Ebola: Attackers Kill Dr Congo Journalist Shining Light On Virus

0 soon A Congolese journalist who had been raising awareness about the Ebola virus in the Democratic Republic of Congo has been killed at his...
Milestone in polio

‘Milestone’ In Polio Eradication Achieved

The second of three forms of the polio virus has been eradicated, experts have announced. There are three types of the wild polio virus, which,...

Psychiatrist Vacancies ‘Threaten’ Nhs Transformation

Plans to transform mental health services in England will fail if the rise in unfilled NHS psychiatrist posts continues, the profession is warning. One in...
Measles Vaccine

Measles: Four European Nations Lose Eradication Status

Measles has returned to four European nations previously seen as free of the illness, according to the World Health Organization (WHO). The disease is no...
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