Saturday, July 27, 2024
Home Authors Posts by Howe Joseph

Howe Joseph

Howe Joseph is a freelance medical writer. He graduated from the University of Illinois at Chicago. Howe Joseph spent the past 10+ years writing about medications, diseases, family health, fitness, nutrition and sexual health
Ultrasound may heal chronic wounds

Ultrasound May Heal Chronic Wounds, Suggests Study

A blast of ultrasound can help stubborn chronic wounds heal more quickly, a study suggests.Tests on animals, published in the Journal of Investigative Dermatology,...
The 10 Healthiest Fish

The 10 Healthiest Fish On The Planet

In his book Oceana, Ted Danson, the actor and oceans advocate, writes that one-third of the world's fisheries are currently in collapse, "unable to...
FDA Strengthens Heart Safety Warnings

FDA Strengthens Heart Safety Warnings On Popular Pain Relievers

Federal health regulators are bolstering warning labels on popular pain relievers to reflect new information about their risks of heart attack and stroke. The changes...

Cheap Vaccines Prevent Cholera

A cheap oral vaccine has prevented cases of deadly cholera in a huge trial in Bangladesh.The infection is spread through contaminated food or water...
The drugs that protect people

The Drugs That Protect People Who Have Unprotected Sex

HIV infection rates are on the rise, particularly among gay men. But could a new type of drug treatment - PrEP - be given...
women face heart disease risk

After Trauma, Women Face Heart Disease Risk

Women who experience a traumatic event and develop post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) may be at increased risk for heart disease, a new large study...
The Six Best Supersets

The Six Best Supersets For A Sick Pump And Serious Muscle Gains

You want more muscle and you want more size. We get it. But if you’re already working hard in the gym and doing all...

Infertility Confinement

Nowadays, infertility has become too much common to men and women as well. For some, adopting a healthier lifestyle through simple lifestyle changes, or staying...
Medifast Logo

Medifast, Inc. Announces First Quarter 2015 Financial Results

Medifast, Inc. (NYSE: MED), a leading United States manufacturer and provider of clinically proven weight-loss and healthy living products and programs, today reported financial...
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