Saturday, July 27, 2024
Home Authors Posts by Howe Joseph

Howe Joseph

Howe Joseph is a freelance medical writer. He graduated from the University of Illinois at Chicago. Howe Joseph spent the past 10+ years writing about medications, diseases, family health, fitness, nutrition and sexual health

Minnesota Attorney General Opens Trial Against Juul Labs

0 soon Minnesota Attorney General Keith Ellison has initiated the first-ever trial against Juul Labs, accusing the e-cigarette giant of unlawfully targeting young people with...

Types of Stress and How to Overcome: A Comprehensive Guide

0 soon Stress is a normal part of life and can be caused by various factors, including work, relationships, finances, and health issues. While some...

Study Finds High Rates of Cancer Among US Military Pilots and Crew

0 soon A new study conducted by the Pentagon has revealed that military pilots and ground crews who fuel, maintain, and launch aircraft are at...

Medtronic’s Affera Mapping and Ablation System Receives CE

0 soon Medtronic, a medical device company, has recently announced that its Affera Mapping and Ablation System has received CE Mark approval. This approval allows...

Samsung and Bottneuro AG Partner to Alzheimer’s Treatment

0 soon Samsung Electronics Switzerland has teamed up with Bottneuro AG, a Swiss MedTech startup, to develop a ground-breaking solution for the diagnosis and treatment...

Origins of COVID-19: Report Triggers Conspiracy Theories

0 soon The origins of COVID-19 are still shrouded in mystery three years after the start of the pandemic. It remains unclear whether the virus...

How Agata Everest Is Helping The Medical Industry

0 soon Agata Everest is the co-founder of The Everest Foundation and the wife of Dr. Michael Everest. It was founded in 2008 to honor...

Why Do We Blame Others For Our Mistakes?

0 soon While blaming someone...

What Is Medication Therapy Management?

0 soon Medication therapy management,...
COVID toes

‘COVID toes,’ other rashes latest possible rare virus signs

0 soon Skin doctors suddenly are looking at a lot of toes — whether by emailed picture or video visit — as concern grows that...
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