Saturday, July 27, 2024
Wrestling Kneepads

Why Sizing Kneepads Can Make A Difference To Your Sporting Success

As an athlete who wrestles, plays volleyball, or takes part in some other high intensity sport, it’s important to protect your knees. Knee injuries...

Surgery? No Problem!

The idea of having part of your body cut open and played with by a complete stranger is a terrifying thought for most people....
Old man at heart risk

Testosterone Making Heart At Risks Among Older Men

0 soonOld man at heart risk Testosterone Making Heart At Risks Among Older Men, the study included men who were in their early 60s, on...
Mckesson ExpressRx Track pharmacy automation solution

McKesson HVS Introduces All New ExpressRx Track Pharmacy Automation Solution

0 soonMckesson ExpressRx Track pharmacy automation solution McKesson High Volume Solutions (HVS) unveiled an all new ExpressRx Track pharmacy automation solution featuring state-of-the-art robotics, upgraded...
Essure side effects

Gynecologists have stopped implanting Essure

A woman named Leslie, who had to go through hysterectomy, warns women about the contraceptive device, Essure and its side effects that include menopause....
Drug Big Price Increases

Drug Makers Took Big Price Increases On Widely Used US Drugs

Major drug companies took hefty price increases in the U.S., in some cases more than doubling listed charges, for widely used medications over the...

The Essential Doctor’s Equipment

Doctors are the people that we rely on to help us out when we’re in the very worst situations imaginable. But they don’t use...
toshiba health logo

Toshiba and AHRA Launch Seventh Annual Putting Patients First Program

0 soonProviding hospitals with resources and support to develop and improve patient care programs, AHRA: The Association for Medical Imaging Management announces the seventh...
SIEMENS Mammomat Inspiration

Siemens Files PMA for Digital Breast Tomosynthesis

0 soonSiemens Healthcare has announced that it recently submitted to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) its premarket approval application (PMA) for the...
Diabetes Drugs Pricing

Diabetes Drug pricing Now challenges Novo Nordisk

0 soonThe world’s biggest insulin producer, whose previously unstoppable growth has started to flag, according to the Danish firm’s chief executive. Lars Sorensen is...
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