Saturday, July 27, 2024

What’s Wrong with Dispensaries in Massachusetts?

0 soon Legal cannabis in Massachusetts has been around since 2016. From the beginning, it was clear that many dispensaries were there just to meet...
Exhausted Nurses

4 Helpful Tips for Exhausted Nurses

0 soon You might have this image of the smiling, selfless nurse. But, in reality, many of them are suffering in silence. Nursing is a...
Career Progression Tips for Nurses

Career Progression Tips for Nurses

0 soon Training to become a nurse can be a tiring but rewarding experience. After all, you are a nurse because you care about people...

Dexamethasone – cheap, widely available can improve COVID-19 survival

0 soon Researchers in England say they have the first evidence that a drug can improve COVID-19 survival: A cheap, widely available steroid reduced deaths...
showers flower petals

Medics around the world face hostility over virus stigma

0 soon Dr. Dina Abdel-Salam watched in terror last month as scores of strangers gathered under the balcony of her aunt’s empty apartment in the...
Hydroxychloroquine pills

U.S. states build stockpiles of malaria drug touted by Trump

0 soon State and local governments across the United States have obtained about 30 million doses of a malaria drug touted by President Trump to...
Ebola Kill Dr Congo Journalist

Ebola: Attackers Kill Dr Congo Journalist Shining Light On Virus

0 soon A Congolese journalist who had been raising awareness about the Ebola virus in the Democratic Republic of Congo has been killed at his...
Woman Heartbeat Ear

Woman Could Hear Her Own Heartbeat From Inside Her Ear

Karrie Aitkens was living a typical life as a mom in California. That is, until one day sounds from that normal, everyday life turned into sheer...
Measles Vaccine

Measles: Four European Nations Lose Eradication Status

Measles has returned to four European nations previously seen as free of the illness, according to the World Health Organization (WHO). The disease is no...
Mosquito Bites

How To Get Rid Of Mosquito Bites, According To An Expert

While you’ll probably remember to pack the bug spray for a trip to the woods, you might not remember it each time you...
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