Saturday, July 27, 2024
Teenage weight tied

Teenage Weight Tied To Odds Of Diabetes-Related Death Decades Later

The increased risk of developing type 2 diabetes, and eventually dying from the disease, begins early in life and at weights in the "normal"...

Viruses ‘More Dangerous in The Morning

Viruses are more dangerous when they infect their victims in the morning, a University of Cambridge study suggests. The findings, published in PNAS, showed viruses...

Signs Of A Slowdown In New Type 2 Diabetes Cases

The number of new cases of type 2 diabetes could be stabilising, or even falling, a study suggests. The analysis looked at 47 studies from...
Cases of fatal brain disease

Cases Of Fatal Brain Disease Showing Up Decades After Infection

A few hundred people around the world caught a rare and fatal brain disease from contaminated growth hormone treatments they received during the 1950s...

How To Manage Your Asthma Better

There are few things as terrifying as an asthma attack. If you’re reading this, you’re probably an asthma sufferer, and you know exactly how...
Competing Bacteria

Competing Bacteria in Gut Maintain Health – Study

Competition between different bacteria species in the gut is what keeps humans healthy, a study has suggested. The research, published in the journal Science, uses...

The Medical Symptoms You Shouldn’t Ignore

It can be agreed amongst many of us that our health is of the utmost importance to us. If not just for ourselves but...
Cheap drugs cut breast cancer

Cheap Drugs Cut Breast Cancer Deaths By 18%

Cheap drugs normally used to strengthen bone can cut deaths from breast cancer, research shows.A charity said it was one of the most important...
Cancer Diagnosis

Cancer Diagnosis: How To Deal With The C Word

They are the three words that you dread the most – ‘you have cancer.' The thought of having to deal with the disease is...
Huntington’s disease

Huntington’s Disease: The Facts

Huntington’s disease (formerly known as Huntington’s Chorea) is a degenerative condition. The disease damages brain cells. It causes involuntary movements, speech disorders and progressive...
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