Saturday, July 27, 2024
SYNERGY Stent System

First Patient Enrolled in the Boston Scientific Multicenter Study of the SYNERGY Coronary Stent...

0 soonSYNERGY Stent System The first patient has been enrolled in the Boston Scientific Corporation EVOLVE II clinical trial, which is designed to further assess...

This One Surprising Habit Could Put Your Brain At Risk Of Dementia

While some of the biggest dementia risk factors—age and family history—are beyond your control, it’s no secret that certain daily habits can seriously up...

Astounding Things You Never Knew Could Damage Your Teeth

Everyone knows that sugar is bad for your teeth, but that's not the only thing that damage them. There are other foods and behaviors...
Diabetes risk shows

Huge Study Of Diabetes Risk Shows Many Common Genes At Play

A study examining the genes of more than 120,000 people from Europe, Asia, Africa and the Americas has offered the clearest picture yet of...
Panic Attacks

Panic Attacks: What You Should Know

What is a panic attack? A panic attack is an intense period of physical and mental fear. An attack may occur in reaction to an...

Health and Hygiene Issues That Could Hold Your Children Back

Most parents take comfort in knowing their child will have a fair chance in the life. However, there are certain things that could hold...

Malaria On Rise In Us As Travelers Return With Disease

More than 2,000 people in the U.S. return from visits abroad with malaria every year, a new report says. The report supports data from...
Varicose Vein Treatment

Glenoaks Laser Center is Now Offering Treatments for Varicose Veins

0 soonGlenoaks Laser Center is now offering varicose vein treatment in Glendale. Sclerotherapy is a procedure in which an FDA-approved agent is injected directly...

Doctors To Millennials: Stay Home When You Have The Flu

The younger generation is more likely than older ones to go out when they have the flu – and more likely to make others...

Viruses ‘More Dangerous in The Morning

Viruses are more dangerous when they infect their victims in the morning, a University of Cambridge study suggests. The findings, published in PNAS, showed viruses...
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