Saturday, July 27, 2024

What the Color of Your Tongue Says About Your Health

You wake up, brush your teeth, give yourself a smile, and notice there’s some weird coloring or texture on your tongue that definitely doesn’t...
Heart Attack

New Research Links Anxiety, Depression To Increased Risk Of Heart Attack And Stroke

New research has found that experiencing symptoms of psychological distress such as depression and anxiety may increase the risk of developing cardiovascular disease for...

The Potentially Dangerous Ingredient In Your Toothpaste

In 2016, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration banned the use of an antimicrobial ingredient called triclosan and other related ingredients from antibacterial hand...
Birth Test

Premature Birth Test Being Trialled

Scientists are trialling a blood test that may predict whether a pregnant woman will give birth prematurely. Preliminary results, published in the journal Science,...
Beats Terminal

‘Remarkable’ Therapy Beats Terminal Breast Cancer

The life of a woman with terminal breast cancer has been saved by a pioneering new therapy, say US researchers. It involved pumping 90...
Chewing Gum

Chewing Gum While Walking May Have Health Benefits

Many studies have examined the health effects of chewing gum while at rest. But a new study conducted by Dr. Yuka Hamada and colleagues at Waseda University...
Cigarette Smoke

Cigarette Smoke Chemicals Could Be In Non-Smoking Air

The study sheds light on the little-understood chemicals left behind years after a cigarette has been put out. Cigarette smoke chemicals can contaminate indoor spaces where...

Diabetes Is Actually Five Separate Diseases, Research Suggests

Scientists say diabetes is five separate diseases, and treatment could be tailored to each form. Diabetes - or uncontrolled blood sugar levels - is...
Millennials Brush Teeth

One-Third Of Millennials Brush Teeth Just Once A Day, Study Shows

Millennials may be successful in many ways, but they are failing when it comes to cleaning their teeth, a new study shows. Research commissioned by...
Fruit Teas

Sipping Acidic Fruit Teas Can Wear Away Teeth, Says Study

Sipping acidic drinks such as fruit teas and flavoured water can wear away teeth and damage the enamel, an investigation by scientists has shown. The...
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