Saturday, July 27, 2024

Cosmetic Rhinoplasty Versus Medical Rhinoplasty : What is The Difference?

There are a number of different types of rhinoplasty and a number of different reasons why someone might want one. They can be done...
Lung probe

Lung probe ‘To Help Cut The Unnecessary Use Of Antibiotics’

A lung probe that diagnoses bacterial infections could prevent unnecessary use of antibiotics in intensive care units, researchers believe. The fibre-optic tube can show within...

Diabetes Is Actually Five Separate Diseases, Research Suggests

Scientists say diabetes is five separate diseases, and treatment could be tailored to each form. Diabetes - or uncontrolled blood sugar levels - is...
Wasp venom 'a weapon against cancer

Wasp Venom ‘A Weapon Against Cancer’

The venom of a wasp native to Brazil could be used as a weapon to fight cancer, scientists believe.A toxin in the sting kills...
Brain Cells 'Burn Out' in Parkinson's Disease

Brain Cells ‘Burn Out’ in Parkinson’s Disease

Brain cells in Parkinson's disease exhaust themselves and die prematurely, burning out like an "overheating motor", an early study suggests. Canadian researchers say the findings...

6 Amazing Tips For Maintaining Your Eye Health

Your eyes are a massive part of your life. Just try and imagine life without them – it’s scary, isn’t it? But, eyes are...
Patch may boost repair

Patch May Boost Repair After Heart Attack

A prototype patch could help the repair the damage caused by a heart attack, scientists say.The early work, carried out on mice and pigs,...
Silicone or Saline Implants

Is It Safe to Get Silicone or Saline Implants?

0 soon Breast augmentation surgery has become more popular among women. This is due to the desire for larger breasts, or restoration of the breasts...
Pediatric brain injury may lead

Pediatric Brain Injury May Lead To Attention Problems

Kids with traumatic brain injury (TBI) have more lapses in attention and longer reaction times than children who suffer trauma to other parts of...
anabolic steroids

3 Reasons You Shouldn’t Take Steroids

Steroids are always a hot topic in the health and fitness community. Everyone has their views, but should you take them? In my eyes,...
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