Saturday, July 27, 2024

The Five Absolute Worst Things You Can Add To Your Coffee

Our love affair with coffee certainly isn’t a bad thing. The stuff’s been shown to boost memory, mood, and heart health and even lower risk...
Sugar wrecks your face

11 Weird Things Sugar Does To Your Body

Is sugar toxic? It is when you consider the levels the average American swallows each year—a whopping 130 pounds of added sugars ingested annually....
5 complex carbs

5 Complex Carbs To Help Shape Your Summer Body

Perhaps the publicity around certain fad diets has led you to believe that carbs are dietary enemy number one. You’ve read the propaganda and watched...

9 Fast Food Meals That Are Actually Healthy

Fast food deserves its share of criticism. Most menu items from Burger King, McDonald’s, Chipotle, Wendy’s, and Taco Bell are devoid of any real nutritional...
Stress raises cholesterol

Stress Raises Cholesterol More Than You Think

Christopher Edginton was taking medication and trying to improve his diet when his cholesterol shot up anyway four years ago. His doctor suggested a new...
Gaining Weight

Gaining Weight In Middle Age? It’s This Molecule’s Fault,

It's common for people to pack on more pounds as they age, but now a new study may have an explanation for this weight...

I Juiced Every Day For 1 Week And I Had More Energy Than I...

I have always wanted to try making my own green juice. I've heard all the health benefits and imagined how nice it would be...
lose weight

7 Amazing tips to keep you motivated to stick to your diet

When talking to people about the kinds of success and failures they have had when trying to lose weight, a familiar pattern appears. They’ve...

Your Guide To Making Your Recovery After A Car Accident Easier

While there is no denying that being in a car accident is a scary experience, often the worst part is recovering. It can take...
Peanut Butter

The Healthy Replacement For Peanut Butter That Helped Me Lose Weight

I've always been a fan of any nut butter. It's one of the most versatile ingredients in anyone's diet. You can spread nut butter...
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