Saturday, July 27, 2024
Skin Rashes

Some Rashes Can Be Indicators Of Life-Threatening Diseases

Skin rashes can be symptoms of a variety of mild to serious conditions. Since many factors go into accurate diagnosis and treatment of rashes,...
Parkinson disease

Parkinson’s Disease ‘May’ Start In Gut

The brain disease Parkinson's may actually start in the depths of the digestive system, US scientists say. In their study, people whose appendix had been...

Type-2 Diabetes Signs ‘Detectable Years Before Diagnosis’

The warning signs of type-2 diabetes may be detectable 20 years before the disease is diagnosed, researchers say. Elevated fasting blood sugar levels and insulin...
Human Papilloma Virus

Cervical Cancer: Australia ‘To Be First To Eliminate Disease’

Australia will become the first country to effectively eliminate cervical cancer if vaccination and screening rates are maintained, researchers say. The disease could be eradicated...

This One Surprising Habit Could Put Your Brain At Risk Of Dementia

While some of the biggest dementia risk factors—age and family history—are beyond your control, it’s no secret that certain daily habits can seriously up...
Woman Diagnosed

Woman Diagnosed With Rare ‘Floating Kidney’ Condition

Generally, you can trust your organs to stay in one place. Sure, they may puff up with air or constrict to pump blood, but...

Malaria Experts Fear Disease’s Resurgence

For the first time in 10 years, global malaria cases are no longer falling, sparking concerns about a resurgence of the too often deadly...
Lung Cancer

Two-Pronged Approach Could Curb Many Cases Of Lung Cancer

Lung cancer, a leading killer, has been hard to target with drugs. A team took a metabolic approach, looking at what lung tumor cells...

The Diet That Might Cure Depression

At the turn of the 20th century, prominent physicians who were trying to understand where mental illness comes from seized on a new theory:...

Brain ‘Pacemaker’ For Alzheimer’s

LaVonne Moore has Alzheimer's disease, but her doctors hope her dementia symptoms could possibly be kept in check by a new type of treatment. Electric...
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