Saturday, July 27, 2024

What is Multiple Sclerosis (MS)?

0 soon MS is a central nervous system illness that causes nerve degeneration. It causes a person’s brain and spinal cord to send incorrect signals,...
White Hair

Scientists Discover ‘Why Stress Turns Hair White’

0 soon Scientists say they may have discovered why stress makes hair turn white, and a potential way of stopping it happening without reaching for...

Mpox Outbreak No Longer an International Emergency, Says WHO

0 soon The World Health Organization (WHO) has announced that the global outbreak of mpox, also known as monkeypox, is no longer classified as an...
COVID toes

‘COVID toes,’ other rashes latest possible rare virus signs

0 soon Skin doctors suddenly are looking at a lot of toes — whether by emailed picture or video visit — as concern grows that...

Tick and Lyme Disease: Prevention and Management

0 soon Ticks are on the rise during the hot summer months, increasing the risk of Lyme disease. Pharmacists now have the authority to assess...
Lung Disease

Does Lung Disease Run In Families?

0 soon What lung diseases are hereditary? Out of many lung diseases, only a few are genetically inherited. The most common lung disease that runs in...

UK Skin Cancer Surge: Urgent Solutions

0 soon In recent decades, skin cancer rates in the UK have surged, primarily due to excessive sun exposure during past decades. Melanoma, a once...
Addiction Treatment

Types of Addiction Treatment

0 soon It is estimated that approximately 23.5 million people over the age of 12 need treatment for a drug or alcohol addiction. However, centers such as know...

Common Symptoms Of Cancer You Should Not Ignore

0 soon Although certain symptoms...

What is a Frostbite?

0 soon Frostbite is a...
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