Saturday, July 27, 2024

Get to Grips with These Common Treatments for Damaged Teeth

Our teeth are important to us, and many of us try our best to look after them. But even if you have pristine dental...

How To Help Your Alcoholic Friend Get Their Life Back On Track

Dealing with alcoholism is hard. There is no one way to help a friend to quit drinking and get their life back on track....
Lola Nose Job

10 Things You Should Know About Nose Jobs

If you’re thinking of having rhinoplasty, otherwise known as a nose job, there are a few things you should know first. Surgery is a...
Say Sayonara To Fine Lines

Say Sayonara To Fine Lines

You can eat well, exercise often, and stay out of the sun, but eventually, your age will start to show. Fine lines bracketing your...
your work life balance

Can you improve your work life balance?

Are you a part of the third of UK workers that feel as though they have a poor work-life balance? Not only does it affect our...
Disposable blood pressure cuff

What To Expect During Your Annual Health Checkup

Once a year, we recommend that everyone visit their doctor for a general health check. It’s especially important as we grow older and our...
Worried man

How To Cope With A Diagnosis Of Chronic Illness

Being diagnosed with a chronic illness such as diabetes, heart disease or arthritis can be frightening. While processing how this diagnosis will affect the...
stress at work

Ways of Dealing with Depression from Job Burnout

Working in the medical field certainly has its benefits, but there's no denying that it is also one of the most stressful careers out...
BioControl Medical’s FitNeS

BioControl Medical’s FitNeS Approved for Use in Europe

0 soonBioControl Medical has announced that it received CE marking in Europe for use of its FitNeSvagus nerve stimulation system (together with its spin-off...
foot all wrapped up

Recover From Injury Faster With These Tips

Getting fit and healthy requires lots of physical activity. However, sometimes things can be disrupted by an injury. If you’ve got injured in the...
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