soonDeep Brain Stimulation (DBS) Intense brain stimulation is best for mental illness, A new study revealed that patient with mental illness who are unable to counter the normal mental therapies can be improved through out source powered electrodes implanted in their brains through surgical procedure. This technique is done through... soonlosing weight in 2012 Losing weight is one of the most important and common issues in our lives and determination for losing weight in 2012 is the key factor and this determination span over long period of time. From words of a fitness expert “changing long-held behaviors is a... soonChange for Life public health campaign In UK a government campaign had been launched named Change for Life Public Health Campaign. Around four million families have registered themselves in this campaign and same number of recipe leaflets will mailed to these registered families. Celebrity chef Ainsley Harriott is on lead...
Do Men losing interest in Sex? Usually it is understood that woman have less interest in sex than men, but now the whole concept is getting changed, due to the busy and stressful life men are losing interest in having sex. The latest study reveled that every one couple...
Read the Strength of Acetaminophen before giving it to Infants, this instruction is issued by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in which they urge the parents to read the labels of liquid acetaminophen very carefully so that their children can be avoided from the wrong dose. Liquid acetaminophen is...
A study revealed that Portable Music Player may cause hearing loss, conducted inNew York City. This study showed that about 90% of the New Yorkers are at risk due to the exposure to noise mainly because of high time on Portable Music player in their daily lives. "We need to...
U.S Food and Drug Administration have extended the use of Prevnar 13 vaccine for people who are in age 50 and plus. Prevnar 13 is a Pneumococcal 13-valent conjugate vaccine used to prevent Pneumonia and invasive disease which is caused by the bacterium Streptococcus pneumoniae. Pneumococcal pneumonia is a Lungs...
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Long before the latest global breast implant scare, American health officials were toying with the idea of building a registry that would track patients with implants.The registry would give a better idea of the number ofcomplications over time, such as rupture or infection.But to this day, none exists for...
This week two studies released in New England Journal of Medicine suggested that Avastin drug may helpful to some patients of Ovarian Cancer, these studies identified that including Avastin to the on going chemotherapy treatment can idle the growth of Ovarian Cancer around four months. These studies provided a...
UK government is no assessing the risks factors of Breast Implants which makes the future of Breast Implants inUK. “A government review of data used to assess the risks posed by faulty breast implants is to be carried out. The review was because of data on implant ruptures”, Health...