Saturday, July 27, 2024
Monarch eTNS System

U.S. Army Funds Phase II Clinical Trial At UCLA For The Treatment Of PTSD

0 soonNeuroSigma, Inc. (NeuroSigma), a California-based life sciences company focused on commercialization of its non-invasive Monarch eTNS System for the treatment of neurological and...
Baxter's hemodialysis dialyzer plant in Opelika

Baxter Announces Hemodialysis Dialyzer Expansion in Opelika, Alabama

0 soonBaxter International Inc.announced today that it plans to expand its state-of-the-art manufacturing facility in Opelika, Ala., to help address the growing global demand...
Laser Eye Surgery

The Benefits and Risks of Laser Eye Surgery

0 soonIf you are thinking of having laser eye surgery, you may want to read on. Laser eye surgery is used to correct vision....
diabetic autonomic neuropathy

Wearable Device for the Early Detection of Common Diabetes-related Neurological Condition

0 soonA group of researchers in Taiwan has developed a new optical technology that may be able to detect an early complication of diabetes...
PRESTIGE LP Cervical Disc

Medtronic Receives FDA Approval for PRESTIGE LP Cervical Disc System

0 soonMedtronic announces that it has received approval from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to market the PRESTIGE LP Cervical Disc System...
Vivid T8 cardiovascular ultrasound device

GE Healthcare Introduces a New Level of Cardiovascular Ultrasound Performance

0 soonGE Healthcare announced today clearance from the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for its new Vivid T8 cardiovascular ultrasound device. The 129-pound, mobile...
SIEMENS Mammomat Inspiration

Siemens Files PMA for Digital Breast Tomosynthesis

0 soonSiemens Healthcare has announced that it recently submitted to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) its premarket approval application (PMA) for the...

A Newbie Guide to Transitioning Into E-Cigarettes Without Feeling Overwhelmed

0 soonIf you feel as though e-cigarettes are something you are interested in, maybe the time has come for you to check them out...
Diabetes Drugs Pricing

Diabetes Drug pricing Now challenges Novo Nordisk

0 soonThe world’s biggest insulin producer, whose previously unstoppable growth has started to flag, according to the Danish firm’s chief executive. Lars Sorensen is...
Old man at heart risk

Testosterone Making Heart At Risks Among Older Men

0 soonOld man at heart risk Testosterone Making Heart At Risks Among Older Men, the study included men who were in their early 60s, on...
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