Saturday, July 27, 2024
Home Authors Posts by Brian Jungen

Brian Jungen

Brian Jungen writes about health and wellness for publications like WebMD, AARP, Shape, Woman’s Day, Arthritis Today and Costco Connection among others. He graduated from Capella University in Minneapolis, Minnesota.

Drug-Resistant Bacteria Outbreak Linked to Indian Eye Drops

0 soon A nationwide outbreak of a drug-resistant strain of bacteria known as Pseudomonas aeruginosa has been linked to contaminated eye drops, causing inflammation, yellow...

COVID19 Still a Mystery After 3 Years

0 soon The debate surrounding the origin of the COVID-19 virus continues to be a point of contention amongst governments and health agencies worldwide. The...

What is a Frostbite?

0 soon Frostbite is a...

What Should You Know Before Your BOTOX® Cosmetic Treatment?

0 soon BOTOX® Cosmetic is the commercial name for botulinum toxin, which is produced in the bacterium Clostridium botulinum.  While excess amounts of the toxin in...
Addiction Treatment

Types of Addiction Treatment

0 soon It is estimated that approximately 23.5 million people over the age of 12 need treatment for a drug or alcohol addiction. However, centers such as know...
Senior care facilities

Locating Quality Senior Care Facilities and Services

0 soon Senior care facilities like Bethany Homes understand the importance of being able to provide the right amount of care and attention to your senior loved ones....

Dexamethasone – cheap, widely available can improve COVID-19 survival

0 soon Researchers in England say they have the first evidence that a drug can improve COVID-19 survival: A cheap, widely available steroid reduced deaths...
showers flower petals

Medics around the world face hostility over virus stigma

0 soon Dr. Dina Abdel-Salam watched in terror last month as scores of strangers gathered under the balcony of her aunt’s empty apartment in the...
Sleep Apnoea

Fatty Tongues Could Be Main Driver Of Sleep Apnoea

0 soon A sleep disorder that can leave people gasping for breath at night could be linked to the amount of fat on their tongues,...
Breast Cancers

Drug That Prevents Half Of Breast Cancers Carries On Working

0 soon A drug that halves a woman’s risk of breast cancer continues to work long after they stop taking it, say researchers. Anastrozole blocks the...
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