Saturday, July 27, 2024
Home Authors Posts by Brian Jungen

Brian Jungen

Brian Jungen writes about health and wellness for publications like WebMD, AARP, Shape, Woman’s Day, Arthritis Today and Costco Connection among others. He graduated from Capella University in Minneapolis, Minnesota.

U.N. Urges Action on TB Surge: COVID-19 and Conflicts Amplify Crisis

0 soon U.N. officials, health industry leaders, and activists are calling for increased investment in the development of new vaccines and the tackling of a...

13 Million African Children Miss Vaccinations Due to COVID-19

0 soon According to a new report from UNICEF, nearly 13 million children in Africa missed one or more vaccinations between 2019 and 2021 due...

First Human Death from H3N8 Bird Flu Confirmed by WHO

0 soon A 56-year-old woman from Guangdong province in southeast China has died from H3N8 bird flu, marking the first known human fatality from the...

Roche Introduced Navify Algorithm for Early Cancer Diagnosis

0 soon Swiss healthcare company Roche has unveiled its new digital medical algorithm suite called navify Algorithm Suite, which is aimed at aiding earlier diagnosis...

WHO Revises COVID-19 Vaccination Recommendations

0 soon The World Health Organization (WHO) has revised its recommendations for COVID-19 vaccination, advising that only high-risk groups should receive additional vaccinations 12 months...

Prostate Cancer Study Shows Active Monitoring Safe

0 soon A groundbreaking study has found that actively monitoring localized prostate cancer can be a safe alternative to immediate surgery or radiation. The study...

Urgent Need for Rehabilitation Services in War-Torn Ukraine

0 soon Thousands of people in Ukraine are suffering from complex injuries that require rehabilitation services and equipment, according to a senior World Health Organization...

New Cholesterol Drug Nexletol Offers Hope for Statin-Intolerant

0 soon A recent study has revealed that Nexletol, a different type of cholesterol-lowering medication, may be an effective alternative to statins for people who...

Washington and Oregon Lift Mask Mandates in Healthcare

0 soon Washington and Oregon have announced that they will soon be lifting the mask requirements in healthcare settings, according to state health officials on...

Sterilize Baby Feeding Equipment to Prevent Deadly Infection

0 soon Federal health officials are urging parents of newborns to sterilize equipment used for both bottle- and breast-feeding. The warning comes after the death...
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